“Deep In the Woods”

Photo by Bro James Pardee. Location: Thaxton, Mississippi

Deep in the woods, as the morning light breaks,

All the animals rise and awake.

The birds and squirrels play all around,

As I sit perched high above ground.

I keep close watch for a beast greater than I,

While a flock of geese race ‘cross the sky.

The smell of wet ground, from early morn’ dew,

Rises to Heaven; a gift just for You.

‘Tis out here, among the trees and the pond,

That I clearly see God; of which I am so fond.

A group of wood ducks swim close to the log,

Then I hear the croak of an old bullfrog.

And out in the distance a wild turkey gobbles,

And a couple of wrens begin their lil’ squabble.

I sit alone out in this deep wood,

And gaze on the spot where majesty stood.

I look all around, and I take in the air.

Then calm sets upon me, and I know that God is right here!