It’s been a while.

I know I haven’t posted an actual blog post in a long time.

Between work (what I do for money) and preaching (what I am called to do) precious little time is left for family and not much else. Writing has become a difficult task. That is why I have been primarily focused on keeping the podcast going; if little else.

What am I up to now?

I have been the interm pastor at Union Church of the Nazarene since October 2020.

I have also finished writing my 4th book. I still have to finish the cover so I can publish it. You can get my other 3 through the store page or at

I am also nearing my 1 year anniversary of my promotion to Area Manager at work. It has not been quite the ride I was hoping for, but I am trying to adjust.

What’s next?

I am not sure.

It is hard being in a spot where you aren’t sure about the next thing, but that is why we trust God. He already knows.

I will definitely be sharing my thoughts more in depth in December, but I will be turning 40 this year. That is kind of worrisome. Mostly because I don’t know what to look forward to.

I hope that I can prioritize some time to writing. I have a few ideas, but they will take dedication. I am always nervous when it comes to putting my material out to everyone. I want the story to be told right.

I guess I am more like Tolkien than Lewis in that respect.

Until next time…

I hope i can get back to writing more frequently, but I make no promises.

Until then, I pray for everyone of you and wish you all the best.


Bro. James Pardee