It’s been a while…

Life goes on…

Even when we seem to take a break. Some of you may know that changes have occurred in my life, but some of you may not. So, I will tell you about what is new in the life of Bro James.


I have a new job. Outside of blogging, podcasting, preaching, and writing I have a regular job. It is that job that provides for my family; and I have finally been promoted!!!! However; with this promotion came new hours. Where I was working semi-normal hours, now I work at night. I am an area manager for the facility and my department is classified as second shift. This means that I work from early afternoon until early morning. It is a great opportunity for growth in the company, so I try not to complain.


I am now the full time fill in at Union Church of the Nazarene. What does that mean? I’m not entirely sure myself, but as of right now, I hold the church as it’s preacher. I do not want to use the term pastor just yet, as I have not been formally offered that role. I am both excited and nervous about this role.

It excites me that God has chosen me to head this portion of His flock. It makes me nervous for the very same reason. I do not want to let God down, nor do I want to wrong this congregation. I trust God, but not myself. What if I get in the way?


My podcast, Mini Messages with Bro James, has changed rather abruptly. I was posting a new episode once a month. Now it is weekly. I am trying to record the Sunday service and post the sermon as the podcast. This seems to be working out quite well. I also have other ideas for interviews and special episodes, but will have to explore how to integrate them into the show.

These ideas are especially important to figure out as we head into the holiday season. One of the plans for this year is to post two episodes a week for Advent. The plan is to have a teaching style episode on Sundays and the sermon episode on Mondays from Thanksgiving until Christmas. Tentatively speaking, the plan is to end the series on Christmas day with a live episode. I am not sure how that is going to work, other than a live Facebook or YouTube feed.


I am trying to finish Book 4 of the Study in Joshua series. This has been an undertaking to say the least. The first three books are found both in the store and on Amazon. Book 4 will be titled “Prepare for Worship,” and will be about the various struggles of leading a life of worship. Many people automatically associate worship with music only, but it is so much more than that. That is probably what has made writing this book so difficult. I am trying to make sure I am able to explain the importance of full worship.


On a personal note; life is different at home. With all the changes going on we are having to make some pretty major adjustments. My wife and children now do school during the afternoon when I am at work. We do not get as much time together during the week, as I am asleep for much of the morning. Also, technically, I now have TWO teenagers in the house. My youngest is really only 11, but her attitude is well beyond that. My oldest will be driving soon. She turned 15 this year and will start driver’s education soon. My wife could really use your prayers. She is teaching three AP courses, practicing more on the piano (she is now the pianist for the church), and researching the possibility of dual enrollment for our 15 year old.

Life has been a surprise this year. For everyone here, and I am sure it is the same for you also. The best we can do is push forward and trust God. Pray for family, friends, and your nation (wherever you may be). Even take some time to pray for your enemies. This year has been one for the books, but we have made it this far. Keep going!

As always, my goals here and in every aspect of ministry are to engage everyone with Christ. None of this is about me, but I would appreciate it greatly if you would sign up to receive updates and notices about new posts by filling out the form below. Also visit my social media sites and follow me there for more updates. My YouTube channel is also full of videos and video-grams of my podcasts. Also look for my podcast, Mini Messages here on this site, or wherever you listen to podcasts at (Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, Spotify, iHeart Radio, and many more). Be sure to subscribe to stay up to date with new episodes.